Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Quartering Act of 1774

Quartering Act of 1774

The Intolerable Acts
  • The Intolerable Acts
  • Boston Port Act
  • Administration of Justice Act
  • Massachusetts Government Act
  • Quartering Act
  • Quebec Act

Established June 2, 1774, the Quartering Act of 1774 was similar in substance to the Quartering Act of 1765.

June 2, 1774

WHEREAS DOUBTS HAVE BEEN ENTERTAINED whether troops can be quartered otherwise than in barracks, in case barracks have been provided sufficient for the quartering of all the officers and soldiers within any town, township, city, district, or place within His Majesty's dominions inNorth America; and whereas it may frequently happen from the situation of such barracks that, if troops should be quartered therein they would not be stationed where their presence may be necessary and required be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords ... and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled ...

that, in such cases, it shall and may be lawful for the persons who now are, or may be hereafter, authorized by law, in any of the provinces within His Majesty's dominions in North America, and they are hereby respectively authorized, empowered, and directed, on the requisition of the officer who, for the time being, has the command of His Majesty's forces in North America, to cause any officers or soldiers in His Majesty's service to be quartered and billeted in such manner as is now directed by law where no barracks are provided by the colonies.

2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that, if it shall happen at any time that any officers or soldiers in H is Majesty's service shall remain within any of the said colonies without quarters for the space of twenty four hours after such quarters shall have been demanded, it shall and may be lawful for the governor of the province to order and direct such and so many uninhabited houses, outhouses, barns, or other buildings as he shall think necessary to be taken (making a reasonable allowance for the same) and make fit for the reception of such officers and soldiers, and to put and quarter such officers and soldiers therein for such time as he shall think proper.

3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that this act, and everything herein contained, shall continue and be in force in all His Majesty's dominions in North America, until March 24, 1776.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

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The Massachusetts Government Act

An act for the better regulating the government of the province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England.


WHEREAS by letters patent under the great seal of England, made in the third year of the reign of their late majesties King William and Queen Mary, for uniting, erecting, and incorporating, the several colonies, territories, and tracts of land therein mentioned, into one real province, by the name of Their Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England; whereby it was, amongst other things, ordained and established, That the governor of the said province should, from thenceforth, be appointed and commissioned by their Majesties, their heirs and successors: It was, however, granted and ordained, That, from the expiration of the term for and during which the 28 persons named in the said letters patent were appointed to be the first counselors or assistants to the governor of the said province for the time being, the aforesaid number of 28 counselors or assistants should yearly, once in every year, for ever thereafter, be, by the general court or assembly, newly chosen: And whereas the said method of electing such counselors or assistants, to be vested with the several powers, authorities, and privileges, therein mentioned, although conformable to the practice theretofore used in such of the colonies thereby united, in which the appointment of the respective governors had been vested in the general courts or assemblies of the said colonies, hath, by repeated experience, been found to be extremely ill adapted to the plan of government established in the province of the Massachusetts Bay, by the said letters patent herein-before mentioned, and hath been so far from contributing to the attainment of the good ends and purposes thereby intended, and to the promoting of the internal welfare, peace, and good government of the said province, or to the maintenance of the just subordination to, and conformity with, the laws of Great Britain, that the manner of exercising the powers, authorities, and privileges aforesaid, by the persons so annually elected, hath, for some time past, been such as had the most manifest tendency to obstruct, and, in great measure, defeat, the execution of the laws; to weaken and, in great measure, defeat, the execution of the laws; to weaken the attachment of his Majesty's well-disposed subjects in the said province to his Majesty's government, and to encourage the ill-disposed among them to proceed even to acts of direct resistance to, and defiance of, his Majesty's authority; And it hath accordingly happened that an open resistance to the execution of the laws hath actually taken place in the town of Boston, and the neighborhood thereof, within the said province: And whereas it is, under these circumstances, become absolutely necessary, in order to the preservation of the peace and good order of the said province, the protection of his Majesty's well-disposed subjects therein resident, the continuance of the mutual benefits arising from the commerce and correspondence between this kingdom and the said province, and the maintaining of the just dependence of the said province upon the crown and parliament of Great Britain, that the said method of annually electing the counselors or assistants of the said province should no longer be suffered to continue but that the appointment of the said counselors or assistants should henceforth be put upon the like footing as is established in such other of his Majesty's colonies or plantations in America, the governors whereof are appointed by his Majesty's commission, under the great seal of Great Britain: Be it therefore enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after August 1, 1774, so much of the charter, granted by their majesties King William and Queen Mary to the inhabitants of the said province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, and all and every clause, matter, and thing, therein contained, which relates to the time and manner of electing the assistants or counselors for the said province, be revoked, and is hereby revoked and made void and of none effect; and that the offices of all counselors and assistants, elected and appointed in pursuance thereof, shall from thenceforth cease and determine: And that, from and after August 1, 1774, the council, or court of assistants of the said province for the time being, shall be composed of such of the inhabitants or proprietors of lands within the same as shall be thereunto nominated and appointed by his Majesty, his heirs and successors, from time to time, by warrant under his or their signet or sign manual, and with the advice of the privy council, agreeable to the practice now used in respect to the appointment of counselors in such of his Majesty's other colonies in America, the governors whereof are appointed by commission under the great seal of Great Britain: provided, that the number of the said assistants or counselors shall not, at any one time, exceed 36, nor be less than 12.


And it is hereby further enacted, That the said assistants or counselors, so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall hold their offices respectively, for and during the pleasure of his Majesty, his heirs or successors; and shall have and enjoy all the powers, privileges, and immunities, at present held, exercised, and enjoyed, by the assistants or counselors of the said province, constituted and elected, from time to time, under the said charter, (except as herein-after excepted); and shall also, upon their admission into the said council, and before they enter upon the execution of their offices respectively, take the oaths, and make, repeat, and subscribe, the declarations required, as well by the said charter as by any law or laws of the said province now in force, to be taken by the assistants or counselors who have been so elected and constituted as aforesaid.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after July 1, 1774, it shall and may be lawful for his Majesty's governor for the time being of the said province, or, in his absence, for the lieutenant-governor, to nominate and appoint, under the seal of the province, from time to time, and also to remove, without the consent of the council, all judges of the inferior courts of common pleas, commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, the attorney general, provosts, marshals, justices of the peace, and other officers to the council or courts of justice belonging; and that all judges of the inferior courts of common pleas, commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, the attorney general, provosts, marshals, justices, and other officers so appointed by the governor, or, in his absence, by the lieutenant-governor alone, shall and may have, hold, and exercise, their said offices, powers, and authorities, as fully and completely, to all intents and purposes, as any judges of the inferior courts of common pleas, commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, attorney general, provosts, marshals, or other officers, have or might have done heretofore under the said letters patent, in the third year of the reign of their late majesties King William and Queen Mary; any law, statute, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.


Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to annul or make void the commission granted before July 1, 1774, to any judges of the inferior courts of common pleas, commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, the attorney general, provosts, marshals, justices of the peace, or other officers; but that they may hold and exercise the same, as if this act had never been made, until the same shall be determined by death, removal by the governor, or other avoidance, as the case may happen.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, from and after July 1, 1774, it shall and may be lawful for his Majesty's governor, or, in his absence, for the lieutenant-governor for the time being of the said province, from time to time, to nominate and appoint the sheriffs without the consent of the council, and to remove such sheriffs with such consent, and not otherwise.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, upon every vacancy of the officers of chief justice and judges of the superior court of the said province, from and after July 1, 1774, the governor for the time being, or, in his absence, the lieutenant-governor, without the consent of the council, shall have full power and authority to nominate and appoint the persons to succeed to the said offices; who shall hold their commissions during the pleasure of his Majesty, his heirs and successors; and that neither the chief justice or judges appointed before July 1, 1774, nor those who shall hereafter be appointed pursuant to this act, shall be removed, unless by the order of his Majesty, his heirs or successors, under his or their sign manual.


And whereas, by several acts of the general court, which have been from time to time enacted and passed within the said province, the freeholders and inhabitants of the several townships, districts, and precincts, qualified, as is therein expressed, are authorized to assemble together, annually, or occasionally, upon notice given, in such manner as the said acts direct, for the choice of select men, constables, and other officers, and for the making and agreeing upon such necessary rules, orders, and bylaws, for the directing, managing, and ordering, the prudential affairs of such townships, districts, and precincts, and for other purposes: and whereas a great abuse has been made of the power of calling such meetings, and the inhabitants have, contrary to the design of their institution, been misled to treat upon matters of the most general concern, and to pass many dangerous and unwarrantable resolves: for remedy whereof, be it enacted, That from and after August 1, 1774, no meeting shall be called by the select men, or at the request of any number of freeholders of any township, district, or precinct, without the leave of the governor, or, in his absence, of the lieutenant-governor, in writing, expressing the special business of the said meeting, first had and obtained, except the annual meeting in the months of March or May, for the choice of select men, constables, and other officers, or except for the choice of persons to fill up the offices aforesaid, on the death or removal of any of the persons first elected to such offices, and also, except any meeting for the election of a representative or representatives in the general court; and that no other matter shall be treated of at such meetings, except the election of their aforesaid officers or representatives, nor at any other meeting, except the business expressed in the leave given by the governor, or, in his absence, by the lieutenant-governor.


And whereas the method at present used in the province of Massachusetts Bay in America, of electing persons to serve on grand juries, and other juries, by the freeholders and inhabitants of the several towns, affords occasion for many evil practices, and tends to pervert the free and impartial administration of justice: for remedy whereof, be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, from and after the respective times appointed for the holding of the general sessions of the peace in the several counties within the said province, next after the month of September, 1774, the jurors to serve at the superior courts of judicature, courts of assize,  general jail delivery, general sessions of the peace, and inferior court of common pleas, in the several counties within the said province, shall not be elected, nominated, or appointed, by the freeholders and inhabitants of the several towns within the said respective counties nor summoned or returned by the constables of the said towns; but that, from thenceforth, the jurors to serve at the superior courts of judicature, courts of assize, general jail delivery, general sessions of the peace, and inferior court of common pleas within the said province, shall be summoned and returned by the sheriffs of the respective counties within the said province; and all writs of Venire Facias, or other process or warrants to be issued for the return of jurors to serve at the said courts, shall be directed to the sheriffs of the said counties respectively, any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.


Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That wherever the sheriff of any country shall happen to be a party, or interested or related to any party of person interested in any prosecution or suit depending in any of the said courts; that then in such case, the writ of Venire Facias, of other process or warrant for the summoning and return of a jury, for the trial of such prosecution or suit, shall be directed to, and executed by, the coroner of such county; and in case such coroner shall be also a party, or interested in, or related to, the Venire Facias, or other process or warrant, for the summoning and return of a jury for the trial of such prosecution or suit shall be directed to, and executed by, a proper and indifferent person, to be appointed for that purpose by the court wherein such prosecution or suit shall be depending.


And that all sheriffs may be the better informed of persons qualified to serve on juries at the superior courts of judicature, courts of assize, general jail delivery, general sessions of the peace, and inferior court of common pleas, within the said province, be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the constables of the respective towns, within the several counties of the said province, shall, at the general sessions of the peace to be held for each county, next after the month of September in every year, upon the first day of the said sessions, return and deliver to the justices of the peace, in open court, a true life, in writing, of the names and places of abode of all persons within the respective towns for which they serve, or the districts thereof, qualified to serve upon juries, with their titles and additions, between the age of 21 years and the age of 70 years; which said justices or any two of them, at the said sessions in the respective counties, shall cause to be delivered a duplicate of the aforesaid lists, by the clerk of the peace of every country, to the sheriffs, or their deputies, within ten days after such session; and cause each of the said lists to be fairly entered into a book by the clerk of the peace, to be by him provided, and kept for that purpose amongst the records of the said court; and no sheriff shall impanel or return any person or persons to serve upon any grand jury, petit jury, whatsoever, in any of the said courts that shall not be named or mentioned in such list: and, to prevent a failure of justice, through the neglect of constables to make such returns of persons qualified to serve on juries, as in and by this act is directed, the clerks of the peace of the said several counties are hereby required and commanded, twenty days at least next before the month of September, yearly, and every year, to issue forth precepts or warrants, under their respective hands and seals, to the respective constables of the several towns within the said respective counties, requiring them, and every of them, to make such return of persons qualified to serve upon juries as hereby respectively directed; and every constable failing at any time to make and deliver such return to the justices in open court, as aforesaid, shall forfeit and incur the penalty of five pounds sterling to his Majesty, and his successors: to be recovered by bill, plaint, or information, to be prosecuted in any of the courts aforesaid; and, in order that the constables may be the better enabled to make complete lists of all persons qualified to serve on juries, the constables of the several towns shall have free liberty, at all seasonable times, upon request by them made to any officer or officers, who shall have in his or their custody any book or account of rates or taxes on the freeholder or inhabitants within such respective towns, to inspect the same, and take from thence the names of such persons qualified to serve on juries, dwelling within the respective, towns for which such lists are to be given in and returned pursuant to this act; and shall, in the month of September, yearly, and every year, upon two or more Sundays, fix upon the door of the church, chapel, and every other public place of religious worship within their respective precincts, a true and exact list of all such persons intended to be returned to the said general sessions of the peace, as qualified to serve on juries, pursuant to the directions of this act; and leave at the same time a duplicate of such list with the town clerk of the said place, perused by the freeholder and inhabitants thereof, to the end that notice may be given of persons duly qualified who are omitted, or of persons inserted by mistake who ought to be omitted out of such lists; and it shall and may be lawful to and for the justices, at the general sessions of the peace to which the said lists shall be so returned, upon due proof made before them of any person or persons duly qualified to serve on juries being omitted in such lists, or of any person or persons being inserted therein who ought to have been omitted, to order his or their name or names to be inserted or struck out, as the case may require: and in case any constable shall willfully omit, out of such list, any person or persons, whose name or names ought to be inserted, or shall willfully insert any person or persons who ought to be omitted, every constable so offending, shall, for every person so omitted or inserted in such list, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, be fined by the said justices, in the said general sessions of the peace, in the sum of forty shillings sterling.


Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case default shall at any time hereafter be made, by any constable or constables, to return lists of persons qualified to serve on juries within any of the said towns to the said court of general sessions of the peace; then, and in such case, it shall be lawful for the sheriff of the county, in which such default shall be made, to summon and return to the several courts aforesaid, or any of them, such and so many persons dwelling in such towns, or the districts thereof, qualified to serve on juries, as he shall think fit to serve on juries at such respective courts; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any-wise notwithstanding.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every summons of any person, to serve upon any of the juries at the said courts, or any of them, shall be made by the sheriff, or other person, ten days at the least before the holding of every such court; and in case any jurors, so to be summoned, be absent from the usual place of his habitation at the time of such summons, notice of such summons shall be given, by leaving a note, in writing, under the hand of such sheriff, or person, containing the contents thereof, at the dwelling-house of such juror, with some person inhabiting in the same.


Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case a sufficient number of persons qualified to serve on juries shall not appear at the said courts, or any of them, to perform the service of grand or petit jurors; that then, and in such case, it shall be lawful for the said court to issue a writ or precept to the sheriff, requiring him to summon a sufficient number of other persons qualified to serve on juries, immediately to appear at such court, to fill up and complete the number of jurors to serve at such court; and such persons are hereby required to appear and serve as jurors at the said courts accordingly.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person who shall serve as a juror, at any of the said courts, shall be liable to serve again as a juror at the same court, or any other of the courts aforesaid, for the space of three years then next following; except upon special juries.


And, in order that sheriffs may be informed of the persons who have served as jurors, it is hereby further enacted by the authority, aforesaid, that every sheriff shall prepare and keep a book, or register, wherein. the names of all such persons who have served as jurors, with their additions and places of abode, and the times when, and the courts in which they served, shall be alphabetically entered and registered; which books or registers shall, from time to time, be delivered over to the succeeding sheriff of the said county; within ten days after he shall enter upon his office; and every juror, who shall attend and serve at any of the courts aforesaid, may at the expiration of the time of holding every such court, upon, application to the sheriff, or his deputy, have a certificate immediately, gratis,  from the sheriff, or his deputy, testifying such his attendance and service; which said certificate the said sheriff, or his deputy, is required to give to every such juror.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if, by reason of challenges, or otherwise, there shall not be a sufficient number of jurors for the trial of any prosecution for any misdemeanor, or any action depending in any of the said courts; then, and in such case, the jury shall be filled up de Talibus Circumstantibus, to be returned by the sheriff, unless he be a party, or interested or related to any party or person interested in such prosecution or action; and, in any of which cases, to be returned by the coroner, unless he be a party, or interested or related to any party or person interested in such prosecution or action; and, in any of these cases, to be returned by a proper and indifferent person, to be appointed by the court for that purpose.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case any person summoned to serve upon the grand or petit jury, at any of the courts aforesaid, or upon the jury in any prosecution, action, or suit, depending in any of the said courts, shall not appear and serve at the said courts, according to the said summons, (not having any reasonable excuse to be allowed by the judges or justices at such court), he shall be fined by the judges or justices of such court in any sum not exceeding the sum of ten pounds, nor less than twenty shillings sterling.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every sheriff, or other officer, to whom the Venire Facias, or other process or warrant, for the trial of causes, or summoning of juries, shall be directed, shall, upon his return of every such writ, or other process or warrant, (unless in cases where a special jury shall be struck by order or rule of court, pursuant to this act), annex a panel to the said writ, or process, or warrant, containing the Christian and surnames, additions, and places of abode, of a competent number of jurors, named in such lists, which number of jurors shall not be less than 24, nor more than 48, without direction of the judges or justices of such court or session, or one of them, who are hereby respectively empowered and required, if he or they see cause, by order, under his or their respective hand or hands, to direct a greater number; and then such number as shall be so directed shall be the number to be returned to serve on such jury.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That for the trials of all actions or suits depending in any of the said courts, the name of each and every person who shall be summoned and returned as aforesaid, with his addition, and the place of his abode, shall be written in several and distinct pieces of parchment, or paper, being all as near as may be of equal size and bigness, and shall be delivered unto the officer to be appointed by the court for that purpose, by the sheriff, under sheriff, or some agent of his; and shall, by direction and care of such officer, be rolled up all as near as may be, in the same manner, and put together in a box or glass to be provided for that purpose; and when any cause shall be brought on to be tried, some indifferent person, by direction of the court, may and shall, in open court, draw out 12 of the said parchments or paper, one after another; and if any of the persons, whose names shall be so drawn, shall not appear, or shall be challenged, and such challenge allowed, then such person shall proceed to draw other parchments or papers from the said box, till 12 indifferent persons shall be drawn; which 12 indifferent persons being sworn shall be the jury to try the said cause: and the names of the persons so drawn and sworn shall be kept apart by themselves in some other box or glass, to be kept, for that purpose, till such jury shall have given in their verdict and the same is recorded, or until such jury shall, by consent of the parties, or leave of the court, be discharged; and then the same names shall be rolled up again, and returned to the former box or glass, there to be kept, with the other names remaining at that time undrawn, and so toties quoties, as long as any cause remains then to be tried.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the superior court of assize, and court of common pleas upon motion made on behalf of his Majesty, his heirs or successors, or on the motion of any prosecutor or defendant, in any indictment or information for any misdemeanor depending, or to be brought or prosecuted in the said court, or on the motion of any plaintiff or plaintiffs, defendant or defendants, in any action, cause, or suit whatsoever, depending, or to be brought and carried on in the said court, and the said court, is hereby authorized and required, upon motion as aforesaid, in any of the cases before mentioned, to order and appoint a jury to be struck for the trial of any issue joined in any of the said cases, and triable by a jury of 12 men, by such officer of the said court as the court shall appoint; and for that purpose the sheriff, or his deputy, shall attend such officer with the duplicate of the lists of persons qualified to serve on juries; and such officer shall thereupon take down, in writing, from the said duplicate, the names of 48 persons qualified to serve on juries, with their additions, and places of abode, a copy whereof shall forthwith be delivered to the prosecutors or plaintiffs, their attorneys or agents, and another copy thereof to the defendants, their attorneys or agents, in such prosecutions and causes; and the said officer of the court aforesaid shall, at a time to be fixed by him for that purpose, strike out the names of 12 of the said persons, at the nomination of the prosecutors or plaintiffs, their attorneys or agents, and also the names of 12 others of the said persons, at the nomination of the said defendants in such prosecutions and suits; and the 24 remaining persons shall be struck and summoned, and returned to the said court as jurors, for the trial of such issues.


Provided always, That in case the prosecutors or plaintiffs, or defendants, their attorneys or agents, shall neglect or refuse to attend the officer at the time fixed for striking the names of 24 persons as aforesaid, or nominate the persons to struck out; then, and in such case, the said officer shall, and he is hereby required to strike out the names of such number of the said persons as such prosecutors or plaintiffs, or defendants, might have nominated to be struck out.


And be it further enacted, That the person or party who shall apply for such special jury as aforesaid, shall not only bear and pay the fees for striking such jury, but shall also pay and discharge all the expenses occasioned by the trial of the cause by such special jury, and shall not have any further or other allowance for the same, upon taxation of costs, than such person or party would be entitled unto in case the cause had been tried by a common jury, unless the judge, before whom the cause is tried, shall, immediately after the trial, certify, in open court, under his hand, upon the back of the record, that the same was a cause proper to be tried by a special jury.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, in all actions brought in any of the said courts, where it shall appear to the court in which such actions are depending, that it will be proper and necessary that the jurors who are to try the issues in any such actions, should have the view of the messuages, lands, or place in question, in order to their better understanding the evidence that will be given upon the trial of such issues; in every such case the respective courts in which such actions shall be depending may order the jury to the place in question, who then and there shall have the matters in question shewn them by two persons to be appointed by the court; and the special costs of all such views as allowed by the court, shall, before the trial, be paid by the party who moved for the view, (the adverse party not consenting thereto); and shall, at the taxation of the bill of costs, have the same allowed him, upon his recovering judgment in such trial; and upon all views with the consent of parties, ordered by the court, the costs thereof, as allowed by the court, shall, before trial, be equally paid by the said parties; and in the taxation of the bill of costs, the party recovering judgment shall have the sum by him paid allowed to him; any law, usage, or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.


And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any action shall be brought against any sheriff, for what he shall do in execution, or by virtue of this act, he may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence; and if a verdict shall be found for him, he shall recover treble costs.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011




At a General Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the County of Fairfax, at the Court House in the Town of Alexandria, on Monday, the 18th day of July, 1774:

GEORGE WASHINGTON, Esquire, Chairman, and
ROBERT HARRISON, Gentleman, Clerk.

Resolved, That this Colony and Dominion of Virginia cannot be considered as a conquered country, and, if it was, that the present inhabitants are the descendants, not of the conquered, but of the conquerors. That the same was not settled at the national expense of England, but at the private expense of the adventurers, our ancestors, by solemn compact with, and under the auspices and protection of, the British Crown, upon which we are, in every respect, as dependent as the people of Great Britain, and in the same manner subject to all his Majesty's just, legal, and constitutional prerogatives; that our ancestors, when they left their native land, and settled in America, brought with them, even if the same had not been confirmed by Charters, the civil Constitution and form of Government of the country they came from, and were by the laws of nature and Nations entitled to all its privileges, immunities, and advantages, which have descended to us, their posterity, and ought of right to be as fully enjoyed as if we had still continued within the Realm of England.

Resolved, That the most important and valuable part of the British Constitution, upon which its very existence depends, Is the fundamental principle of the people's being governed by no laws to which they have not given their consent by Representatives freely chosen by themselves, who are affected by the laws they enact equally with their constituents, to whom they are accountable, and whose burthens they share, in which consists the safety and happiness of the community; for if this part of the Constitution was taken away, or materially altered, the Government must degenerate either into an absolute and despotick monarchy, or a tyrannical aristocracy, and the freedom of the people be annihilated.

Resolved, Therefore, as the inhabitants of the American Colonies are not, and from their situation, cannot be represented in the British Parliament; that the Legislative power here can, of right, be exercised only by our Provincial Assemblies, or Parliaments, subject to the assent or negative of the British Crown, to be declared within some proper limited time; but as it was thought just and reasonable that the people of Great Britain should reap advantages from the Colonies adequate to the protection they afforded them, the British Parliament have claimed and exercised the power of regulating our trade and commerce, so as to restrain our importing from foreign countries such articles as they could furnish us with, of their own growth and manufacture, or exporting to foreign countries such articles and portions of our produce as Great Britain stood in need of, for her own consumption or manufacture. Such a power directed with wisdom and moderation, seems necessary for the general good of that great body politick of which we are a part, although in some degree repugnant to the principles of the Constitution. Under this idea, our ancestors submitted to it, the experience of more than a century, during the government of his Majesty's royal predecessors, have proved its utility, and the reciprocal benefits flowing from it produced mutual uninterrupted harmony and good will between the inhabitants of Great Britain and her Colonies, who during that long period always considered themselves as one and the same people; and though such a power is capable of abuse, and in some instances hath been stretched beyond the original design and institution, yet to avoid strife and contention with our fellow-subjects, and strongly impressed with the experience of mutual benefits, we always cheerfully acquiesced in it while the entire regulation of our internal policy, and giving and granting our own money, were preserved to our own Provincial Legislatures.

Resolved, That it is the duty of these Colonies, on all emergencies, to contribute in proportion to their abilities, situation, and circumstances, to the necessary charge of supporting and defending the British Empire, of which they are a part; that while we are treated upon an equal footing with our fellow-subjects, the motives of self-interest and preservation will be a sufficient obligation, as was evident through the course of the last war; and that no argument can be fairly applied to the British Parliament's taxing us, upon a presumption that we should refuse a just and reasonable contribution, but will equally operate in justification of the Executive power taxing the people of England, upon a supposition of their Representatives refusing to grant the necessary supplies.

Resolved, That the claim lately assumed and exercised by the British Parliament for making all such laws as they think fit to govern the people of these Colonies, and to extort from us our money without our consent, is not only diametrically contrary to the first principles of the Constitution and the original compacts by which we are dependent upon the British Crown and Government, but is totally incompatible with the privileges of a free people and the natural rights of mankind, will render our own Legislatures merely nominal and nugatory, and is calculated to reduce us from a state of freedom and happiness to slavery and misery.

Resolved, That taxation and representation are in their nature inseparable; that the right of withholding, or of giving and granting their own money, is the only effectual security to a free people against the encroachments of despotism and tyranny; and that whenever they yield the one, they must quickly fall a prey to the other.

Resolved, That the powers over the people of America, now claimed by the British House of Commons, in whose election we have no share; in whose determinations we have no influence; whose information must be always defective, and often false; who in many instances may have a separate, and in some an opposite interest to ours; and who are removed from those impressions of tenderness and compassion, arising from personal intercourse and connection, which soften the rigours of the most despotick Governments, must, if continued, establish the most grievous and intolerable species of tyranny and oppression that ever was inflicted upon mankind.

Resolved, That it is our greatest wish and inclination, as well as interest, to continue our connection with, and dependence upon, the British Government; but though we are its subjects, we will use every means which Heaven hath given us to prevent our becoming its slaves.

Resolved, That there is a premeditated design and system formed and pursued by the British Ministry to introduce an arbitrary Government into his Majesty's American Dominions, to which end they are artfully prejudicing our Sovereign and inflaming the minds of our fellow-subjects in Great Britain, by propagating the most malevolent falsehoods, particularly that there is an intention in the American Colonies to set up for independent states, endeavouring at the same time, by various acts of violence and oppression, by sudden and repeated dissolutions of our Assemblies, whenever they presume to examine the illegality of Ministerial mandates, or deliberate on the violated rights of their constituents, and by breaking in upon the American Charters, to reduce us to a state of desperation, and dissolve the original compact, by which our ancestors bound themselves and their posterity to remain dependent upon the British Crown; which measures, unless effectually counteracted, will end in the ruin, both of Great Britain and her Colonies.

Resolved, That the several Acts of Parliament for raising a revenue upon the people of America, without their consent; the erecting new and dangerous jurisdictions here; the taking away our trials by jury; the ordering persons, upon criminal accusations, to be tried in another country than that in which the fact is charged to have been committed; the Act inflicting Ministerial vengeance upon the town of Boston; and the two Bills lately brought into Parliament for abrogating the Charter of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, and for the protection and encouragement of murderers in the said Province, are part of the above mentioned iniquitous system; that the inhabitants of the town of Boston are now suffering in the common cause of all British America, and are justly entitled to its support and assistance; and, therefore, that a subscription ought immediately to be opened, and proper persons appointed, in every county in this Colony, to purchase provisions and consign them to some gentlemen of character in Boston, to be distributed among the poorer sort of the people there.

Resolved, That we will cordially join with our friends and brethren of this and the other Colonies, in such measures as shall be judged most effectual, for procuring a redress of our grievances; and that, upon obtaining such redress, if the destruction of the tea at Boston be regarded as an invasion of private property, we shall be willing to contribute towards paying the East India Company the value; but, as we consider the said Company as the tools and instruments of oppression in the hands of Government, and the cause of the present distress, it is the opinion of this meeting, that the people of these Colonies should forbear all further dealings with them, by refusing to purchase their merchandise, until that peace, safety, and good order, which they have disturbed, be perfectly restored; and that all tea now in this Colony, or which shall be imported into it, shipped before the first day of September next, should be deposited in some store-house; to be appointed by the respective Committees of each county, until a sufficient sum of money be raised, by subscription, to reimburse the owners the value, and then to be publickly burnt and destroyed; and if the same is not paid for and destroyed as aforesaid, that it remain in the custody of the said Committees, at the risk of the owners, until the Act of Parliament imposing a duty upon tea for raising a revenue in America, be repealed; and immediately afterwards be delivered unto the several proprietors thereof, their agents or attornies.

Resolved, That nothing will so much contribute to defeat the pernicious designs of the common enemies of Great Britain and her Colonies, as a firm union of the latter, who ought to regard every act of violence or oppression inflicted upon any one of them, as aimed at all; and to effect this desirable purpose, that a Congress should be appointed, to consist of Deputies from all the Colonies, to concert a general and uniform plan for the defence and preservation of our common rights, and continuing the connection and dependence of the said Colonies upon Great Britain, under a just, lenient, permanent, and constitutional form of Government.

Resolved, That our most sincere and cordial thanks be given to the patrons and friends of liberty in Great Britain, for their spirited and patriotick conduct in support of our constitutional rights and privileges, and their generous efforts to prevent the present distress and calamity of America.

Resolved, That every little jarring interest and dispute which hath ever happened between these Colonies, should be buried in eternal oblivion; that all manner of luxury and extravagance ought immediately to be laid aside, as totally inconsistent with the threatening and gloomy prospect before us; that it is the indispensable duty of all the gentlemen and men of fortunes to set examples of temperance, fortitude, frugality, and industry, and give every encouragement in their power, particularly by subscriptions and premiums, to the improvement of arts and manufactures in America; that great care and attention should be had to the cultivation of flax, cotton, and other materials for manufactures; and we recommend it to such of the inhabitants as have large stocks of sheep, to sell to their neighbours at a moderate price, as the most certain means of speedily increasing our breed of sheep and quantity of wool.

Resolved, That until American grievances be redressed, by restoration of our just rights and privileges, no goods or merchandise whatsoever ought to be imported into this Colony, which shall be shipped from Great Britain or Ireland, after the first day of September next, except linens not exceeding fifteen pence per yard, coarse woollen cloth, not exceeding two shillings sterling per yard; nails, wire, and wire cards, needles and pins, paper, saltpetre, and medicines, which may be imported until the first day of September, 1776; and if any goods or merchandise, other than those hereby excepted, should be shipped from Great Britain after the time aforesaid, to this Colony, that the same, immediately upon their arrival, should either be sent back again by the owners, their agents or attornies, or stored and deposited in some warehouse, to be appointed by the Committee for each respective county, and there kept at the risk and charge of the owners, to be delivered to them when a free importation of goods hither shall again take place; and that the merchants and venders of goods and merchandise within this Colony ought not to take advantage of our present distress, but continue to sell the goods and merchandise which they now have, or which may be shipped to them before the first day of September next, at the same rates and prices they have been accustomed to do within one year last past; and if any person shall sell such goods on any other terms than above expressed, that no inhabitant of this Colony should, at any time forever thereafter, deal with him, his agent, factor, or storekeeper, for any commodity whatsoever.

Resolved, That it it is the opinion of this meeting, that the merchants and venders of goods and merchandise within this Colony should take an oath not to sell or dispose of any goods or merchandise whatsoever, which may be shipped from Great Britain after the first day of September next, as aforesaid, except the articles before excepted; and that they will, upon the receipt of such prohibited goods, either send the same back again by the first opportunity, or deliver them to the Committees of the respective counties, to be deposited in some warehouse, at the risk and charge of the owners, until they, their agents, or factors, shall be permitted to take them away by the said Committees; and that the names of those who refuse to take such oath, be advertised by the respective Committees, in the counties wherein they reside; and to the end that the inhabitants of this Colony may know what merchants and venders of goods and merchandise have taken such oath, that the respective Committees should grant a certificate thereof to every such person who shall take the same.

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that during our present difficulties and distress, no slaves ought to be imported into any of the British Colonies on this Continent; and we take this opportunity of declaring our most earnest wishes to see an entire stop forever put to such a wicked, cruel, and unnatural trade.

Resolved, That no kind of lumber should be exported from this Colony to the West Indies, until America be restored to her constitutional rights and liberties, if the other Colonies will accede to a like resolution: and that it be recommended to the general Congress to appoint as early a day as possible for stopping such exports.

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting, if American grievances be not redressed before the first day of November, 1775, that all exports of produce from the several Colonies to Great Britain, should cease; and to carry the said resolution more effectually into execution, that we will not plant or cultivate any tobacco after the crop now growing, provided the same measure shall be adopted by the other Colonies on this Continent, as well as those who have heretofore made tobacco, as those who have not. And it is our opinion, also, if the Congress of Deputies from the several Colonies shall adopt the measure of non-exportation to Great Britain, as the people will be thereby disabled from paying their debts, that no judgments should be rendered by the Courts in the said Colonies, for any debt, after information of the said measures being determined upon.

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that a Solemn Covenant and Association should be entered into by the inhabitants of all the Colonies, upon oath, that they will not, after the time which shall be respectively agreed on at the general Congress, export any manner of lumber to the West Indies; nor any of their produce to Great Britain; or sell or dispose of the same to any person who shall not have entered into the said Covenant and Association; and also, that they will not import or receive any goods or merchandise which shall be shipped from Great Britain, after the first day of September next, other than the before enumerated articles; nor buy or purchase any goods, except as before excepted, of any person whatsoever, who shall not have taken the oath herein before recommended to be taken by the merchants and venders of goods; nor buy or purchase any slaves hereafter imported into any part of this Continent, until a free exportation and importation be again resolved on by a majority of the Representatives or Deputies of the Colonies; and that the respective Committees of the counties in each Colony, so soon as the Covenant and Association becomes general, publish by advertisements in their several counties, a list of the names of those, (if any such there be) who will not accede thereto, that such traitors to their country may be publickly known and detested.

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that this and the other associating Colonies should break off all trade, intercourse, and dealings, with that Colony, Province, or town, which shall decline or refuse to agree to the plan which shall be adopted by the general Congress.

Resolved, That should the town of Boston be forced to submit to the late cruel and oppressive measures of Government, that we shall not hold the same to be binding upon us, but will, notwithstanding, religiously maintain, and inviolably adhere to, such measures as shall be concerted by the general Congress, for the preservation of our lives, liberties, and fortunes.

Resolved, That it be recommended to the Deputies of the general Congress, to draw up and transmit an humble and dutiful Petition and Remonstrance to his Majesty, asserting in decent firmness our just and constitutional rights and privileges, lamenting the fatal necessity of being compelled to enter into measures disgusting to his Majesty and his Parliament, or injurious to our fellow-subjects in Great Britain;declaring, in the strongest terms, our duty and affection to his Majesty's person, family, and Government, and our desire forever to continue our dependence upon Great Britain; and most humbly conjuring and beseeching his Majesty not to reduce his faithful subjects of America to a state of desperation, and to reflect, that from our Sovereign there can be but one appeal. And it is the opinion of this meeting, that after such Petition and Remonstrance shall have been presented to his Majesty, the same shall be printed in the public papers in all the principal towns in Great Britain.

Resolved, That George Washington, Esquire, and Charles Broadwater, Gentleman, lately elected our Representatives to serve in the General Assembly, attend the Convention at Williamsburg, on the first day of August next, and present these Resolves as the sense of the people of this county upon the measures proper to be taken in the present alarming and dangerous situation of America.

Resolved, That George Washington, Esq., John West, George Mason, William Rumney, William Ramsay, George Gilpton, Robert Hanson Harrison, John Carlyle, Robert Adam, John Dalton, Philip Alexander, James Kirk, William Brown, Charles Broadwater, William Payne, Martin Cockburne, Lee Massey, William Hartshorne, Thomas Triplett, Charles Alexander, Thomas Pollard, Townsend Dade, Jr., Edward Payne, Henry Gunnell, and Thomas Lewis, be a Committee for this county; that they, or a majority of them, on any emergency, have power to call a general meeting, and to concert and adopt such measures as may be thought most expedient and necessary.

Resolved, That a copy of these Proceedings be transmitted to the Printer at Williamsburg, to be published.



In 1676 K. Ch. 2nd gave a Charter "To the Colony of Virginia" confirming the antient importation right of 50 acres for every person imported into the Colony. This seems to acknowledge and confirm the Company's right to the charter to be in the Colony after the dissolution of the former.
See Sect. 4th of the 3rd Charter of James 1st, by which harbors, fisheries, &c : &c : &c: are granted to the Company, which being of a public nature must plainly inure to the people of the Colony, after the dissolution of the Company if this dissolution had been legal. - Sed quære.
Anno 1606, April 10.-- Charter or Letters Patent first granted by King James the First to the two companys commonly called the London Company and the Plymouth Company for two several Colonies to be made in Virginia, and other parts and Territories of America along the Sea Coasts between 34 Degrees and 45 Degrees of North Latitude.
Sect. IV.-- Vizt: To Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, and others called the First or London Company to begin to settle and plant the first Colony any where upon the said Coast of  Virginia or America, between 34 Degrees and 41 Degrees of North Latitude; and granting them all the country &c from the said first seat of their settlement or plantation for the space of fifty English Miles all along the said Coast, towards the West and South West as the Coast lieth; and for the like space of fifty miles all along the said coast, towards the East and North East, or towards the North, as the coast lieth: with all the Islands within one hundred miles directly over against the said seacoast; and also all the country from the said fifty miles every way on the Sea Coast, directly into the Main Land, for the space of one hundred English Miles, and that none other of His Majesty's subjects shall plant or inhabit behind, or on the back side of them towards the Main Land without the express Licence or Consent of the Council of that Colony thereunto in writing first had and obtained.
Sect. V.- -And to Sir Thomas Hanham, Raleigh Gilbert and others called the second or Plymouth Company to begin to settle and plant the second colony anywhere upon the coast of Virginia and America between 38 Degrees and 45 Degrees of North Latitude, and granting them all the country &c from the said first seat of their colony or plantation for the like space of fifty miles all along the said coast towards the West and Southwest, or towards the South, as the coast lieth, and for the like space of fifty miles all along the said coast towards the East and North East, or towards the North, as the coast lieth, with all the islands within one hundred miles directly over against the said sea coast; and also all the country from the said fifty miles every way on the sea-coast, directly into the mainland, for the space of one hundred miles; and that none other of His Majesty's subjects shall plant or inhabit behind, or on the back side of them towards the Main Land, without the express licence of the council of that colony in writing thereunto had and obtained.
Sect. VI.—Provided that the plantation or habitation of such of the said Colonies as shall last plant themselves as aforesaid, shall not be made within one hundred miles of the other of them that first began to make their Plantation as aforesaid.--
Sect. VII.—Granting and ordaining that each of said Colonies shall have a Council which shall govern and direct all matters and causes, which shall arise or happen within the same several Colonies &c: with many privileges and immunities; among others :--
Sect. XV.—That all and every the persons being his Majesty's subjects which shall dwell and inhabit within any or every of the said Colonies or Plantations, and every of their children which shall happen to be born within the limits and precincts of the said several Colonies and Plantations, shall have and enjoy all Liberties, Franchises and Immunities to all Intents and purposes, as if they had been abiding and born within the realm of England or any other of His Majesty's Dominions.
Sect. XVIII.—And finally that His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, upon petition for that purpose, shall and will by Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of England, give and grant to such persons their heirs and assigns as the respective Councils for the said two Colonies, or the most part of them, shall for that purpose nominate and assign, all the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments which shall be within the precincts limited for the said two Colonies respectively, as aforesaid, to be holden of His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors as of their Manor of Greenwich in the county of Kent, in free and common socage only, and not in capite. With a clause declaring the full and perfect efficacy of such letters patent, so to be granted as aforesaid.1
Sect. VI. Anno 1609, May 23.—The Company for the said first or Southern Colony (to this day called the Colony and Dominion
1 In consequence of this charter the first or Southern Colony, which still retains the name of Virginia, was undertaken and begun by several persons in and about London (Dec. 19, 1606) who fitted out two or three ships under the command of Capt. Christopher Newport, which sailed from England to America (April 26, 1607). The first land they discovered on this coast was the southern point or cape of Chesapeake Bay ; which they called Cape Henry (the name it still retains) ; here they first landed and after spending some days in examining the country and looking for a proper place for their settlement, they fixed upon A peninsula (May 13) about forty miles up Powhatan River (since called James River) and on the north side of it, which they called James Town, in compliment to the King, the name it has ever since retained. At this place the seat of Government remained for a great many years, and from this beginning proceeded the Colony of Virginia.
of Virginia) having been joined by a great number of the nobility and principal gentry in England, a second and more extensive Charter was granted them by King James the first, incorporating them by the name of the Treasurer and Company of the Adventurers and Planters of the City of London for the first Colony in Virginia : reciting, confirming, explaining and enlarging the former Charter by granting them all those lands, Countries, and Territories situate, lying and being in that part of America called Virginia, from the point of land called Cape or Point Comfort all along the Sea Coast to the northward, two hundred miles, and from the said point of Cape Comfort all along the seacoast to the southward, two hundred miles, and all that space or circuit of Land, lying from the sea-coast of the precinct aforesaid, up into the land, throughout from sea to sea, west and north, west, and also all the Islands lying within one hundred Miles along the Coasts of both seas of the precinct aforesaid ; with all the Soils, Grounds, &c. forever; To be holden of his Majesty, his Heirs and his Successors, as of their Manor of East Greenwich; in free and common socage, and not in capite.
Sect. VII.—Nevertheless charging, commanding, warranting and authorising the said Treasurer and Company to convey assign and set over such particular portions of Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments unto such His Majesty's subjects naturally born, or Denizens, or others, as well Adventurers as Planters, as by the said Company shall be nominated, appointed and allowed; wherein respect to be had as well of the Adventure, as to the special service, Hazard, Exploit, or Merit of any person so to be recompensed, advanced, or rewarded.2
2Pursuant to the above last recited clause, Sec. VII., the said Company in the year 1616 (Sir George Yeardly being then their Governor in Virginia) ordained and ordered that 50 acres of land should be assigned and granted to every person removing himself into the said Colony from Great Britain or Ireland; and to every person who should import others, 50 acres for every person so imported. This was the first Rise of the ancient custom of granting lands upon Importation Rights, which is now no less than 158 years old. It appears to have been interwoven with the Constitution of the Colony from its first settlement, and constantly practised afterwards. In the year 1621 two remarkable instances occur. 50,000 acres were granted to one Captn. Newce, for the importation of 1,000 persons and sixty young maids, being brought over by private adventurers to make wives for the planters.
Sect. VIII.—Appointing and ordaining that the said Company shall have a perpetual Council residing in England, which Council shall have a seal for the better government, and administration of the said plantation, besides the legal seal of the Company or Corporation.
Sects. IX. and X.—Nominating the particular members of the said Council, and also the Treasurer for the time being.
Sect. XI.—And granting and declaring that the said Council or Treasurer, or any of them, shall from thenceforth be nominated, chosen, continued, displaced, changed, altered, and supplied, as Death or other several occasions shall require, out of the Company of the said Adventurers, by the voice of the greater number of the said Company and Adventurers, in their Assembly for that purpose. Provided always that every Counsellor so newly elected, shall be presented to the Lord Chancellor of England, or to the Lord High Treasurer of England, or to the Lord Chamberlain of the Household of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors for the time being, to take his Oath of a Counsellor to His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors for the said Company of Adventurers and Colony in Virginia.
Sect. XIII.—Giving and granting for His Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, full power and authority to the said Council, as well at the present time, as hereafter from time to time, to --
50 acres of land for each was granted to the persons who imported them. After the Government was taken into the hands of the Crown, upon the dissolution of the Virginia Company, the same Right and Custom was always continued, as appears from the old patents and records in the Secretary's office. In the year 1662 an Act of Assembly was made prescribing the manner of proving such Importation rights to lands, by obtaining certificates thereof to entitle the Claimers to surveys and patents. And in the year 1676 the said custom and right was solemnly confirmed and continued, according to the ancient usage and practice, by charter from King Charles the Second, to the Colony of Virginia, under the great seal of England, which charter was recognised by Act of Assembly in the year 1677 prescribing the form of patents for the future, in which form is recited the continuance and confirmation of the said ancient right and privilege ; which hath been enjoyed by the subjects of this Colony ever since, and great quantities of land from time to time granted accordingly. So that Mr. Stith, in his History of Virginia (which is chiefly extracted from ancient records), mentioning this right and custom, had good reason for his remark, "That this is the ancient, legal, and a most indisputable method of granting lands in Virginia."
nominate, make, constitute, ordain and confirm, by such name or names, stile or stiles, as to them shall seem good, and likewise to revoke, discharge, change and alter as well all and singular Governors, officers and ministers, which already have been made, as also which shall be by them thought fit and needful to be made or used, for the Government of the said Colony and Plantation.
Sect. XIV.—And also to make, ordain and establish all manners of Orders, Laws, Directions, Instructions, Forms, and Ceremonies of Government and Magistracy, fit and necessary for and concerning the Government of the said Colony and Plantation, and the same to abrogate, revoke, and change, not only within the precincts of said Colony, but also upon the seas in going and coming to and from the said Colony, as they in their good discretion shall think to be fitted for the good of the Adventurers and Inhabitants there.
Sect. XXII.—Declaring also for his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, that all and every the persons, being the subjects of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, which shall go and inhabit within the said Colony and Plantation, and every of their children and posterity which shall happen to be born within any of the limits thereof, shall have and enjoy all Liberties, Franchises, and Immunities of free Denizens and natural subjects within any of their other Dominions, to all Intents and Purposes as if they had been abiding and born within the Realm of England, or any other of the Dominions of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors.3
3 There can be no doubt but this and every clause relating to the people and inhabitants in general (not to the particular property of the Company) under the Faith of which our Ancestors left their native land, and adventured to settle an unknown country, operates and inures to the benefit of their posterity forever, notwithstanding the dissolution of the Virginia Company, had such dissolution been ever so legal. But a new doctrine has been lately broached by the writers against America. "That the charters granted to the Colonies were originally illegal, as containing powers and rights which the Crown, being only one branch of the Legislature, could not grant, and having never been confirmed by Act of Parliament, that they are of course void and of no effect." The first assertion happens to be false; and if it was true, the consequences deduced from it are erroneous. When America was discovered, the sending abroad colonies had been unknown in Europe from the times of the ancient Greeks and
Sect. XXIII.—Giving and granting also unto the said Treasurer and Company, and their Successors, and to such Governors, Officers and Ministers, as shall be by the aforesaid Council constituted and appointed, according to the nature and limits of their Offices, and places, respectively, that they may from time to time, for ever hereafter, within the said precincts of Virginia, or in the way by sea thither, and from thence, have full and absolute power and authority to correct, punish, pardon, govern, and rule all such the subjects of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, as shall from time to time adventure themselves in any voyage thither, or that shall at any time hereafter inhabit in the precincts and territories of the said Colony as aforesaid, according to such Orders, Ordinances, Constitutions, Directions, and Instructions, as shall by the said Colony, as aforesaid, be established. So
Romans (for the irruptions of the Goths and other barbarous nations can't be regarded in that light). To the people of Great Britain the scene then opening was entirely new; and altho' the people removing from thence, to settle Colonies in America, under the auspices and protection and for the benefit of Great Britain, would by the laws of Nature and Nations, have carried with them the Constitution of the Country they came from, and consequently been entitled to all its advantages, yet not caring to trust altogether to general principles applied to a new subject, and anxious to secure to themselves and their posterity, by every means in their power, the rights and privileges of their beloved laws and Constitution, they entered into a solemn compact with the Crown for that purpose. Under the faith of these compacts, at their own private expense and Hazard, amidst a thousand Difficulties and Dangers, our Ancestors explored and settled a New World: their posterity have enjoyed these rights and privileges from time Immemorial ; and have thereby (even if the Charters had been originally defective) acquired a legal Title. It ought to wear well; for it has been dearly earned. King, Lords, and Commons compose the British Legislature, but the Constitution has lodged the Executive power in the Crown. The Disposition of foreign or newly-acquired Territory hath ever belonged to the Executive. This power has been constantly exercised by our Kings in numberless instances. At the conclusion of the last war, Martinico, Guadaloupe, &c. (tho' acquired at the National Expense), were disposed of by the Crown, and however the policy may have been censured, the King's right was never disputed. If the Crown can make an absolute and unlimited alienation to Foreigners ; a fortiori can it make a modulated Grant to Subjects. The American Charters, therefore, are legal ab origine. Equally false and absurd is the Idea of Great Britain's Right to govern these Colonies as conquered Provinces, for we are the Descendants, not of the Conquered, but of the Conquerors.
always as the said Statutes, Ordinances, and Proceedings, as near as conveniently may be agreeable to the Laws, Statutes, Government, and Policy of the Realm of England.
Sect. XXVI.—Declaring his Majesty's Royal will and pleasure that in all questions and doubts that shall arise upon any difficulty of construction or interpretation of any thing contained either in this or in former letters patent, the same shall be taken and interpreted in the most beneficial manner for the said Treasurer and Company, and their successors, and every member thereof. And concluding with the following clause:
Sect. XXIX.—Any Act, Statute, Ordinance, Provision, Proclamation or Restraint to the contrary hereof, had, made, ordained, or provided, or any other Thing, clause, or matter whatsoever, in any wise, notwithstanding.
Anno 1612, Sect. I.—A third charter was granted by King James the first to the same Virginia Company, reciting and confirming their former charters, and setting forth that the said Company had petitioned for an enlargement of their former letters patent; II. as well for a more ample extent of their Limits and Territories into the seas adjoining to, and III. upon the Coast of Virginia, as also for some other matters and Articles concerning the better Government of the said Company and Colony; in which point the former letters patent do not extend so far as Time and Experience hath found to be needful and convenient.
Sect. IV.—Giving, granting and confirming unto the said Treasurer and Company and to their Heirs and Successors forever, all and singular, those Islands whatsoever situate, lying and being in any part of the Ocean or Seas bordering upon the Coast of the said first Colony of Virginia, and being within three hundred leagues of any of the parts heretofore granted to the said Treasurer and Company in the former letters patent, and being within or between the one and fortieth and thirtieth degrees of Northern Latitude, together with all and singular the soils, lands, Grounds, Havens, ports, Rivers, Waters, Fishings, Mines, and Minerals &c and all and singular other Commodities, Jurisdictions, Royalties, privileges, Franchises, and preherainences, both within the said Tract of land upon the Main, and also within the said Islands and Seas, adjoining, whatsoever and
thereunto or thereabouts, both by sea and Land, being or situate, —To be holden as of the Manor of East Greenwich &c.4
Sect. VII.—Ordaining and granting that the said Company, once every week, or oftener, at their pleasure, might hold a Court and Assembly, for the better order and government of the said plantation ; to consist of the Treasurer or his Deputy, and at least five of the Council and fifteen other Members of the Company, which should be a sufficient court for the ordering and dispatching all such casual and particular Occurrences and Matters of less consequence and weight, as shall from time to time happen, concerning the said plantation.
Sect. VIII.—But that for the ordering and disposing of matters and affairs of great weight and importance, and such as concern the Publick weal, particularly the manner of Government from time to time, to be used, the ordering and disposing of the lands, and the settling and establishing of a Trade, there should be held upon four different certain Days (therein named) one great and general Assembly; which four Assemblies to be called and stiled the four Great and General Courts of the Council and Company of Adventurers for Virginia, and shall have full power and authority, from time to time and at all times hereafter, to elect and chuse discreet persons to be of the said
4 This clause Sect. IV. of this Charter, respecting the ports, rivers, waters, and Fishings, and a clause of the same nature in Sect. VI. of the second Charter (not particularly suited in these Extracts), being of a publick nature in which the people and Inhabitants were interested, as well as the Company, it is presumed could not be destroyed or avoided by the Dissolution of the Virginia Company, and may avail us if the proprietor of Maryland should ever disturb the peace or possession of any of the people of this Colony, by an attempt to exercise the Rights he pretends to claim on the South side of the Potomack River of which he hath never been in possession; for upon an attentive examination of the Virginia Charters, perhaps it may appear that the said proprietor hath little title, except length of possession, to many of the powers he holds. How far these Charters can be urged against the claim he is now setting up to that tract of country between the great North and South Branches of Potomack River, the Inhabitants of which have been long settled there as a part of this Colony, under the Faith of its Laws, and are represented in our Legislature, and who, if the said proprietor's claim was to be established (besides the risque of their present titles to the Lands) would be forced from under the immediate protection of the crown, and subjected to a proprietary government; whereby their Lives and Fortunes might be at the mercy, not of their Sovereign, but of a fellow Subject, may soon become a question of Importance.
Council of the said Colony, and to nominate and appoint such officers as they shall think fit and requisite for the Government, managing, ordering, and dispatching the affairs of the said Company, and shall likewise have full power and authority to ordain and make such Laws and Ordinances for the good and welfare of the said plantation, as to them from time to time shall be thought requisite and meet; so always as the same be not contrary to the Laws and Statutes of the Realm of England.
Sect. XVI. to Sect. XIX.—Giving and granting to the said Treasurer and Company full power and Authority, Liberty, and Licence to erect, and publish, open and hold, one or more Lottery or Lotteries within the City of London, or within any other City or town in England, with divers orders for the Regulation and Encouragement of such Lottery or Lotteries.
Sect. XX.—Declaring that in all questions and Doubts, that shall arise upon any Difficulty of Construction or Interpretation, of anything contained in these or any other of the former Letters Patent, the same shall be taken and interpreted in most ample and beneficial manner for the said Treasurer and Company and their Successors and every member thereof.
Sect. XXI.—And lastly ratifying and confirming unto the said Treasurer and Company, and their Successors forever all and all manner of privileges, Franchises, Liberties, Immunities, Profits and commodities, whatsoever granted unto them in any of the former letters patent, and not in these presents revoked, altered, changed, or abridged, any Statute, Act, Ordinance, provision, proclamation, or Restraint, to the contrary thereof &c. notwithstanding. 5
Anno 1621, July 24th.-- The Treasurer, Council, & Company in England passed and established an Ordinance under the Common Seal of the said Company, for settling the Constitution and Form of Government in Virginia.6
5 The principal Design of this third Charter, besides making some new regulations in the Government of the Company and Colony, and empowering them to raise money by Lotteries in England, seems to be to grant to the said Company the Islands of Bermudas, otherwise called Somer-Islands, which the said Virginia Company, within a few years, sold to Sir George Somers and others, called the Somer-Island Company; which was afterwards dissolved, much about the same time and in the same manner with the Virginia Company.
6 This Ordinance was brought over the October following by Sir Francis Wyatt (who succeeded Sir George Yeardly in the Government here), and is
Sect. I.—Declaring their motives and Authority for the same, and ordaining and declaring, that from II. thenceforward there should be two supreme Councils in Virginia for the better government of the said Colony. The one of which Councils, to be called the Council of State (whose office shall chiefly be, assisting with their care, advice and circumspection, to the Governor), shall be nominated, placed and displaced, from time to time, by them the said Treasurer, Council, and Company and their successors—nominating for the present, the members of the said Council of State, viz.:—Sir Francis Wyatt, the then Governor, and nineteen other gentlemen therein named; earnestly praying and desiring, and strictly charging and commanding the said Counsellors and Council to bend their Care and Endeavours to assist the Governor; first and principally, in the advancement of the Honour and Service of God, and the enlargement of his Kingdom amongst the Heathen people; and next in erecting the said Colony in due obedience to His Majesty, and all lawful Authority, from His Majesty's directions; and lastly in maintaining the people in Justice and Christian Conversation amongst themselves, and in strength and ability to withstand their enemies. And this Council to be always, or for the most part to be residing about or near the Governor.7
generally presumed to have been the original plan and first Draught of our Constitution, from which the Assembly of Virginia took its rise; but it was in fact rather a confirmation of that form of Government which the people here, in Imitation of their Mother Country, had before adopted; for it appears from ancient records, that two years before this, viz.:—in June, 1619, Sir George Yeardly held an assembly of the representatives of the people. Counties were not yet laid off ; but the several Townships, settlements, or Hundreds elected their representatives, from whence the said Assembly was first called the House of Burgesses, a name proper to the Representatives of Burroughs or Towns (but conveying a diminution and inadequate idea of an Assembly representing the whole body of the people), which custom hath very improperly continued to this day, altho' all our Representatives, four members only excepted, have for a great length of time been chosen by the shires or counties.

7 The powers by this clause vested in the members of the first Virginia Council belong properly to a Council of State. But to what an alarming and enormous Height hath the Jurisdiction of their successors increased? In whose hands are lodged the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judicative powers of the State, and consequently the Life, Liberty, and property of the subject? That this hath not yet produced much Evil or Opposition is candidly acknowledged, because the Council has generally been composed of men whose character,
Sect. IV.—The other Council more generally to be called by the Governor once Yearly, and no oftener, but for very extraordinary and important occasions, shall consist for the present, of the said Council of State, and of two Burgesses out of every town, Hundred, or other particular plantation, to be respectively chosen by the Inhabitants; which Council shall be called the
Interest, and Connections here, have restrained them within the bonds of Moderation. Because the Emoluments of the office are not a sufficient Temptation to Mercenary Strangers to solicit the appointment. And because Luxury, venality, and a general corruption of manners have not yet thoroughly taken root among us. But when it is considered that this Board is entirely dependant upon the Crown ; that the authority of its members is not hereditary, and if it was that it could descend but to one of their children ;that no man's Rank or Fortune, how great soever, can exempt him from the common course of human affairs; and that their own posterity must quickly be distributed among the different classes of mankind, and blended with the mass of the people, there cannot be a more striking proof of the prevalence of the lust of power in the mind of man than that these gentlemen should be tenacious of Jurisdiction as unsafe and dangerous to their own Families as to the Community. Not only mean and sordid but extremely shortsighted and foolish is that species of self-interest which in political questions opposeth itself to the publick good; for a little cool reflection must convince a wise man that he can no other way so effectually consult the permanent Interest of his own Family and posterity as by securing the just rights and privileges of that society to which they belong. But it is easier to describe a Disease in the Body politic, than to point out a proper Physician. Perhaps the lenient hand of a wise and patriotic Prince—perhaps some noble and publicspirited Governor, who would then indeed deserve a statue. Perhaps the Constitution may by degrees work itself clear by its own innate strength, the virtue and Resolution of the Community—as hath often been the case in our Mother Country. This last is the natural Remedy; if not counteracted by that slow poison, which is daily contaminating the minds and morals of our people. Every Gentleman here is a petty tyrant. Practised in Arts of Despotism and Cruelty, we become callous to the Dictates of humanity and all the finer feelings of the Soul. Taught to regard a part of our species in the most abject and contemptible Degree below us; we lose that idea of the dignity of Man, which the Hand of Providence has implanted in us for great and wise purposes. Habituated from our infancy to trample upon the rights of human nature, every generous, every liberal sentiment, if not extinguished, is enfeebled in our minds. And in such an infernal school are to be educated our future Legislators and Rulers. The laws of Impartial Providence may even by such means as these, avenge upon our posterity the injury done a set of wretches whom our injustice hath debased almost to a level with the Brute Creation. These Remarks may be thought foreign to the design of the annexed Extracts. They were extorted by a kind of irresistible perhaps an enthusiastic Impulse, and the Author of them, conscious of his own good intentions, cares not whom they please or offend.
General Assembly, wherein (as also in the said Council of State) all matters shall be decided, determined, and ordered by the greater part of the voices then present, reserving to the Governor always a negative voice. And this General Assembly shall have full power to treat, consult, and conclude, as well of all emergent occasions, concerning the publick weal of the said Colony, and every part thereof, as also to make, ordain, and enact such general Laws and orders for the Behalf of the said Colony, and the good government thereof, as shall from time to time appear necessary or requisite.8
8 It is plain from this clause that the Gentlemen of the Council were originally no more than so many constant members of the Assembly, without being elected by the people ; that they sat with the Governor in the same House, and had a common vote in all matters with the Representatives of the people; that a negative was lodged in the Governor alone; and that the House thus constituted was called the General Assembly; the stile yet retained in all our legislative proceedings, tho' great alterations have been since made in the original Constitution :—In this situation the Council continued long after the Virginia Company was dissolved, and the Government of the Colony was vested in the crown. In those early times, when the number of the people's representatives was small, the influence of the Council in the General Assembly was very considerable; at first, indeed, they made a majority ; but in process of Time, as the country became more inhabited, Counties were laid off, and the number of our Representatives greatly increased, the vote of the members of the Council was in a manner sunk in such a numerous Assembly; and the democratical part of our Constitution had no other check than the Governor's negative. This might be productive of inconvenience, to remedy which the Gentlemen of the Council, of their own mere motion, thought proper to walk up stairs; and formed in imitation of the English House of Peers a separate and distinct Branch of the Legislature. That such a separate Branch, such an intermediate Power between the people and the Crown is really necessary, no candid man, well-informed in the principles of the British Constitution, and acquainted with the tumultuary nature of Publick Assemblies, will deny; but he may, with great propriety urge, that the members of this Intermediate Branch of the Legislature, should have no precarious tenure, that it should at least be for life, and whether their Authority was hereditary or not, that they should be equally independent of the Crown and of the people; and that neither the Administration nor the common Judicative powers of the State can be safely lodged in their hands.
As some amendments in our judicial proceedings have lately been proposed, it may not be amiss to mark here a Capital Error in the Constitution of our Supreme Courts. When any man thinks himself injured by a Court of Law, or a  Decree of Chancery, the British Constitution hath given him an appeal; this is an inherent right in the subject, of which he can't be deprived, without being robbed of a valuable part of his Birth-Right, and the most effectual means that
Sect. V.—Whereas in all other things requiring the said General Assembly, as well as the said Council of State to imitate and follow the policy of the form of Government, Laws, Customs, and manner of Trial, and other administration of Justice, used in the Realm of England, as near as may be, even as the said Treasurer and Company themselves by his Majesty's letters patent are required.
Sect. VI.—Provided that no Law or Ordinance made in the said General Assembly shall be, or continue in force and validity, unless the same shall be solemnly ratified and confirmed in a General Quarter Court of the said Company in England, and so ratified, be returned to them under the said Company's seal. It being their intent to afford the like measure, also unto the said Colony, that after the Government of the said Colony shall once have been well framed, and settled accordingly; which is to be done by the said Treasurer and Company, as by Authority derived from his Majesty, and the same shall have been by them so declared, no orders of Court afterwards, shall bind the said Colony unless they be ratified in like manner in the General Assemblys.9
human wisdom could devise to secure the property of individuals. A court of Appeals, therefore, or that Court which is the Dernier Resort, should be so constituted as that no suit could originate there, for otherwise, when the subject is aggrieved, he is left without redress. This useful distinction seems hitherto to have been totally neglected in this Colony.
9 This ordinance or Charter for settling a form of Government in Virginia, was made by the Treasurer, Council and Company in England by virtue of the powers vested in them for that purpose by the 14th and 23rd Sections of King James second Charter and the 8th section of his third Charter to the said Company; and being made while the said powers were in full force and efficacy, and the authority of the Company unquestionable, there can be little doubt of its Validity ; and that it gave the people of Virginia as good a title to chuse their own Representatives to enact laws, as if it had been made and granted by the King himself; but this does not now seem to be a subject much worth our Enquiry; for if this Ordinance was annihilated, our Rights as British subjects, and particularly that invaluable one of chusing our own Representatives in a Virginia Parliament which we have uniformly enjoyed and exercised for more than One hundred and fifty years, could be shaken only by Violence and Injustice aided by our own Folly, or by Force of Arms. Some parties and Factions having arisen in the Virginia Company, and several disputes having happened with the King and his Ministry, King James the first, by proclamation dated July 24th, 1624, forbid and suppressed the Courts of the said Company at their usual
1676, Oct. 10. -- Charter under the great seal of England, granted by King Charles the Second to the Colony of Virginia, Declaring and granting for his Majesty, his heirs and Successors, that all the subjects of his Majesty, his Heirs, and Successors from time to time, inhabiting within the Colony and Plantation of Virginia shall have their immediate Dependence upon the
place of meeting in the City of London, and soon after the Lords of his Majesty's privy Council appointed a new Governor of the said Company, which being expressly contrary to their Charters, they refused to acquiesce in such appointment, and thus rejecting the officers nominated by the British Ministry, and forbid to act under their own, their Courts and Meetings were discontinued and their Business and Proceedings stopped, for though there had been a Quo Warranto brought in the King's Bench, and the process served upon several of the members, who entered their defence ; the same was never brought to any Decision or Hearing; but the Company, chagrined with the Discouragements and opposition received from the King and Ministry, disgusted with the Schisms and Factions in their own body, and wearied with so great and constant Expence, after some faint struggles submitted, and quietly gave up, or rather forbore any further Exercise of their Rights, and the Government of the Colony was taken into the King's Hands. An Event (however illegally and arbitrarily brought about) very happy for the people of Virginia ; who were thereby taken from under a proprietary Government, and placed under the immediate Government and Protection of the British Crown.

The bounds of the Colony (as well as the form of Government) remained unaltered until King Charles the First, in the Year 1632, by Charter to Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baron of Baltimore, established the proprietary and province of Maryland. That Country being then uninhabited, the importance of it little known or attended to, and the Scene of Confusion introduced by the Civil war in England, prevented the people of Virginia making any opposition. In the succeeding Reign (with equal inattention in the Virginians) the provinces of Pennsylvania and Carolina were erected, the Southern part of the first and the Northern part of the latter being within the ancient limits of Virginia. The Dutch and Swedes having possessed themselves of the Country on the SeaConst, between New England and Maryland, King Charles the Second, in the year 1664, granted all the country so usurped to his Brother, the Duke of York, and an English Fleet having reduced the Dutch and Swedish settlements, the Duke of York parcelled out that Country to under proprietors, one of whom was William Penn, the Son of Admiral Penn. All these Proprietors, except William Penn, afterwards sold or surrendered their Charters to the Crown. Mr. Penn retained his part, and had it increased and confirmed to him in consideration of a debt due from the King to his Father, and from thence arose the Province of Pennsylvania.
There being few or no settlements on the Southern parts of this Coast, a Grant was made, in the year 1663, by King Charles the Second to several of

Crown of England under the Rule and Government of such Governor or Governors as his Majesty, His Heirs or Successors shall from time to time appoint in that Behalf: and of or upon no other person or persons whatsoever. 10
That the Governor for the time being shall be resident in that Country, except his Majesty, his Heirs or Successors shall at any time command his attendance in England or elsewhere, in which
his Courtiers, viz-- the Earl of Clarendon, the Duke of Albemarle, the Lord Craven, the Lord Berkeley, the Lord Ashly Cooper, Sir George Carteret, and Sir William Colleton; for the Country called Carolina, the greatest part of which (the Earl of Granville only retaining his ancestor's. Sir Geo. Carteret's part) was sold by the Heirs of these Proprietors to the Crown, and out of it were formed the provinces of North Carolina South Carolina and Georgia. And by these means have the Ancient and Original Boundaries been contracted, and the Colony and Dominion of Virginia reduced to its present Limits. In the year 1669 a grant was made by King Charles the second to Henry, Earl of St. Albans, John, Lord Berkeley, Sir William Moreton, and John Tretheway, Esqr., of all that tract of Land or Territory lying between the Rappahannock and Potomack Rivers, commonly called the Northern Neck (now in possession of the right honourable the Lord Fairfax), and altho' there was a promise that the same should not infringe or prejudice any contract or Grant whatsoever before made or granted by the Governor and Council of Virginia, and that the said Patentees, their Heirs and Assigns, and all the Inhabitants of the said tract of Land or Territory should be in all things subject and obedient to such Laws and Constitutions, as were, or should be made by the Governor, Council, and Assembly of Virginia ; yet some Royalties and considerable powers being thereby vested in the said Patentees, it roused the attention of the General Assembly, who, apprehensive that the people might be injured or oppressed by men of such powerful interest, in the year 1674 passed an Act of Address and Supplication asserting the Rights and Privileges granted to this Colony by his Majesty's Ancestors, representing the Dangers and ill-consequences of such Grants to Lords and others, and praying that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to revoke the said Grant, and for securing them from fears in time to come of being removed from His Majesty's immediate protection, to confirm their Liberties, Privileges, Immunities, Rights and Properties, as aforesaid by His Majesty's Royal Charter. Certain Gentlemen Were appointed to present this Act, which procured the last Charter ever granted to this Colony, viz.-- that from King Charles the Second, bearing date the 10th Day of October, in the 28th year of his Reign, An. Dom., 1676, as on the other side.
10 This first clause expressly operates against the Establishment of any new Government or Proprietary in any part of Virginia. For the King is as much bound by the Act of his Predecessors as any Private Subject holding an Estate from his Ancestor is bound by the Act of such Ancestor. And accordingly, this Charter effectually put a stop to all further applications of that nature.
case a Deputy shall be chosen, to continue during the absence of such Governor in manner as hath been formerly used, unless his Majesty, his Heirs or Successors shall think fit to nominate such Deputy. And if any Governor shall happen to die, then another Governor shall and may be chosen, as hath been formerly used, to continue until his Majesty, his Heirs, or Successors shall appoint a new Governor.11
Confirming and establishing all lands possessed by the several and respective planters and inhabitants of Virginia to them and their heirs forever, where the property of any particular man's interest in any lands there, shall not be altered or prejudiced by Reason thereof.
Declaring and granting that there shall be assigned out of the Lands not already appropriated for each of such of the subjects of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, as shall from time to time go to dwell in the said Plantation, fifty acres of Land, as according as hath been used and allowed since the first Plantation, to be held of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, as of their Manor of East Greenwich in their County of Kent, in free and common socage.12
And that all Lands possessed by any subject inhabiting in Virginia, which is escheated or shall escheat to his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, shall and may be enjoyed, by such Inhabitant, or Possessor his Heirs and Assigns forever, paying two pounds of
11 The Rule established by his present Majesty, requiring the Governor to reside here, is exactly conformable to this clause of the Charter, and considering how fully it is expressed, especially when construed in the manner required by the last clause (which applies to every part of the charter) it is strange that it remained so long unattended to.
12 By this clause the old custom, first introduced about sixty years before by the Virginia Company, of granting lands for the Importation of people, which had been constantly continued and exercised after the Dissolution of the said Company, is clearly and authentically confirmed and established, according to the ancient usage and practice, and being thereby made a part of the Constitution of Virginia, cannot be avoided or invalidated by any proclamation. Instruction, or other Act of Government (vid. Notes 2nd and loth). This and the following Clause, granting all Escheat Lands to the Possessor upon a fixed moderate Composition, are certainly Articles of great Importance; and will be still more so if by any new Regulation of Government, the Quit Rent of the Crown Lands here should hereafter be raised, as all lands coming under the description of either of those clauses would be exempt from such new Regulation.
Tobacco, Composition for every Acre, which is the rate set by his Majesty's Governor according to his Majesty's Instruction to him in that Behalf.
And that the Governor and Council of Virginia, for the time being, and in the absence of the Governor, the Deputy Governor and Council, or any five or more of them, whereof the Governor or his deputy to be always one, shall and thereby have full power and authority to hear and determine all Treasons, Murders, Felonies and other offences committed or done, or to be committed or done within the said Government, so as they proceed therein, as near as may be, to the Laws and Statutes of the Kingdom of England.13
And lastly of his Royal Goodness, graciously to continue to favour the subjects of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, which then did, or thereafter should inhabit in the said Country of Virginia, and to give the more liberal and ample Encouragement to plantations there, declaring his Royal Will and Pleasure, to be that every Clause, Article and Sentence in these his said letters Patent14 contained, shall be from time to time, forever there

13 This clause investing the Governor and Council with full power and authority to hear and determine all Treasons and other offences committed within Government, expounded (as required by the last clause) in the most beneficial and available sense, for the advantage of his Majesty's subjects here, is very inconsistent with the extraordinary measure lately adopted by the British Ministry,-- a plan so contrary to the first principles of Liberty and Justice, as would much better become the Divan at Constantinople, than the Cabinet at London.
14 By this charter the Subjects of Virginia are forever to remain under the immediate protection of the British Crown, and be subject only to its Government here. The Governor is to reside in this country. The titles of their lands are confirmed to the inhabitants. Any vacant Lands are from time to time to be granted for the Importation of people into the Colony according to antient custom; and all the Lands which shall at any time escheat, are confirmed to the Possessors upon certain moderate terms.
The Governor and Council have full power and authority to try all Treasons and other offences committed here, and the Design of the Charter is declared to be to continue to favour the subjects which then did, or afterward should inhabit the said Country of Virginia, and for the more liberal and ample Encouragement to plantations there, (that is, to encourage the increase and extension of the settlements there) every part of the charter is to be construed and take effect in the most advantageous and available sense for the Benefit of the subjects of the said Country of Virginia. The country of Virginia is only mentioned at large and in general Terms in this charter, and not described or ascertained by

after, as often as any Ambiguity, Doubt or Question shall or may happen to arise thereupon, expounded, construed, deemed and

any particular limits or boundaries. It can't be confined to the country then settled, which would be totally inconsistent with the Design of giving encouragement "to Plantations there" and would exclude more than nine-tenths of the present Inhabitants. It can't mean the Country at that time purchased from or ceded by the Indians, for this would also exclude the greatest part of the present Inhabitants. Nor can posterior purchases of Lands from the Indians be used as arguments against the extent of this charter, without impeaching the Crown's Right to those Lands at the time of making the Charter. A Doctrine of a dangerous nature, and diametrically opposite to the claims of Great Britain in her Negotiations and Treaties with other Nations as well as the Reasons for which the King entered into the late war, one of which was the Incroachments made by the French upon the Territory of Virginia. If such purchases could operate against the extent of the Virginia Charter, they would have operated against the grant of the Northern Neck; far the greater part of which was possessed by the Indians, when the said grant was made, and not purchased from them for many years after. So late as Queen Anne's Reign the Blue Ridge of Mountains separated the possessions of the British Subjects here, from those of the Indians. Yet in the last reign, the King and Council gave Lord Fairfax a Judgment for the lands to the Fountain Head of Potomack River, near fourscore miles beyond the Blue Ridge. As our settlements were extended, and the wild game destroyed, the Indians have been found to remove further for the convenience of Hunting. As they retired purchase after purchase hath been made of them, and temporary Lines or Boundaries from time to time accordingly settled between them, and the English Inhabitants here. It is not above fifty years since the people of Virginia settled beyond the Blue Ridge ; it is near thirty years since they first began to settle on the West side of the Alleghany or Appalachian Mountains and at this time there are several thousand Families settled to the Westward of the said Mountains on the Branches and Waters of the Ohio River. When the Colony of Virginia was settled, the Lands first purchased of the Indians were only upon and near the Mouths and larger parts of the Rivers, then to the Falls of the said Rivers, then to the Blue Ridge of Mountains ; afterwards to the Alleghany Mountains ; and lately to the River Ohio. Many of these purchases have been made since the Charter of Charles the Second. If the said Charter was not affected by the former purchases from the Indians neither is it by the last, nor can it be by any purchase made hereafter. For (not to mention the liberal and beneficial manner of Construction which we have a right to) the plain, natural, and obvious meaning of the charter is, to grant and confirm certain Rights, Privileges, and Immunities to all his Majesty's subjects who then did or ever should inhabit that tract of country in America usually called Virginia, according to the Descriptions and Boundaries of the original Charters, not before otherwise appropriated or disposed of by His Majesty's Ancestors. In this situation hath it remained from the time of this last charter, and in this manner hath Virginia been constantly laid down ever since in all the English
taken to be meant and intended, and shall inure and take effect in the most beneficial and available sense, to all intents and pur-
Maps, as well those published by publick authority, as others, to wit, Bounded on the North by Maryland and Pennsylvania, on the East by the Atlantic Ocean, on the South by Carolina, and on the West by the great South Sea or by the Western Limits of the British Dominions, which was never clearly ascertained until the last Treaty of Peace in the year 1763, fixed them by a line drawn along the middle of the River Mississippi. Several Acts of the British Crown and Government, as well as many laws of this Colony (which receiving the Royal Assent are also Acts of the British Crown and Government) have from time to time corresponded with and confirmed these Bounds of Virginia. It will be sufficient to mention a few instances, as there are none which contradict them. In the fourth year of the Reign of Queen Anne, An. Dom. 1705, an act of Assembly was made here, empowering the Governor for the time being, with the consent of the Council, by Charter or Grant, under the seal of the Colony to grant to any such person or persons, their heirs, executors, administrators, or Assigns, as should at his or their own charge, make discovery of any Town or Nation of Indians situate, or inhabiting to the Westward of, or between the Appalatian Mountains, the sole liberty and Right of trading to and with all and every such Town or Towns, Nation or Nations of Indians so discovered as aforesaid for the space of fourteen Years, then next ensuing, with such clauses or. articles of Restraint or Prohibition, of all other persons from the said Trade and under such Penalties and Forfeitures as shall be thought convenient. In an additional Instruction from his late Majesty King George the Second to Sir William Gooch, Bart., Lieut. Governor and Commander in Chief of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, or to the Commander in Chief of the said Colony for the time being, Given at the Court of St. James the 16th Day of March 1748/9 in the 22nd Year of his Reign reciting a petition which had been presented to his Majesty by the Ohio Company; the said Governor is directed and required forthwith to make the Petitioners and their Associates a Grant or Grants of two hundred thousand Acres of Land betwixt Romanetto's and Buffaloe Creek on the South Side of the River Alleghany, otherwise Ohio and betwixt the two Creeks and the Yellow Creek, on the North Side of the said River or in such other parts of the West of the Alleghany Mountains as shall be adjudged most proper by the said Petitioners, for making settlements thereon, within His Majesty's Colony of Virginia.

In the year 1753 an Act of Assembly was made here, " For further encouraging persons to settle on the Waters of the Mississippi," Declaring that it would be a means of cultivating a better correspondence with the neighbouring Indians, if a further encouragement were given to Persons who have settled or shall settle upon the waters of the Mississippi, in the County of Augusta (which was then the frontier county and quite across this Colony), and that a considerable number of persons as well his Majesty's natural born subjects, as foreign Protestants were willing to come to this Colony with their Families and Effects, and settle upon Lands near the said waters, in case they can have encouragement for so doing ; that settling that part of the country will add to the strength and security
poses for the Profit and advantage of the subjects of his Majesty, his Heirs and Successors of Virginia aforesaid, as well against his
of the Colony in general and be a means of augmenting his Majesty's Revenue of Quit Rents. And enacting, "That all persons being Protestants who have already settled or shall hereafter settle and reside upon any Lands situate to the Westward of the Ridge of Mountains that divides the Rivers Roanoke, James and Potomack from the Mississippi in the County of Augusta, shall be and are exempted and discharged from the payment of all publick, County and Parish Levies, for the term of fifteen years next following."
And in the year 1754 another Act of Assembly was made here "For the Encouragement and Protection of the Settlers upon the waters of the Mississippi," Declaring that many of his Majesty's faithful subjects had been encouraged by the Acts of the General Assembly heretofore made, to settle and inhabit on his Lands in this Colony on and near the Waters of the River Mississippi; and that it hath been represented to the General Assembly that the subjects of the French King, and by their instigation the Indians in alliance with them, had encroached on His Majesty's said Lands, murdered some of his subjects and taken others captive and spoiled them of their Goods and effects; impowering the Treasurer of this Colony to borrow a sum of money upon interest, nominating certain Directors, (members of both Houses of Assembly) and impowering them from time to time with the Consent and approbation of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, to direct and appoint how the said money shall be applied towards protecting and defending his Majesty's subjects, who then were settled or hereafter should settle on the waters of the River Mississippi, And laying sundry duties and Taxes on the inhabitants of this Colony for raising a Fund to repay the Money to be so borrowed. And for the same purposes were several hundred thousand Pounds granted by the General Assembly, and levied upon the people of Virginia, during the course of the late war. And soon after the conclusion of the war, to wit in the year ... it being thought expedient in order to conciliate the minds of the Indians then but lately withdrawn from the French interest, to extend a temporary line or Boundary between the Inhabitants of this Colony and the Southern Indians, across the Alleghany Mountains to the Ohio River; the sum of . . . was granted by the General Assembly and levied upon the people of Virginia . . . charge thereof upon a formal requisition made by the crown for that purpose.
These quotations and examples are sufficient to show in what sense the Charter of King Charles the Second respecting, the Bounds of this Colony, hath been always understood; and to demonstrate that the country to the westward of the Alleghany Mountains on both sides the Ohio River, is part of Virginia. And consequently that no new Government or Proprietary can legally be established there—Nor hath any attempt of that sort ever been made from the time of the said charter until the late extraordinary application of Mr. Walpole and his associates, to the Crown to grant them a Proprietary charter and create a new Government between the Alleghany Mountains and the River Ohio, (in direct violation of the Virginia Charters,) which would not only have taken away great part of the territory of this Colony, but would have removed from under the

Majesty, his Heirs, and Successors, as against all and every other person and persons whatsoever, any Law, Statute, Custom, or Usuage, to the Contrary thereof in anywise, notwithstanding.
immediate protection of the Crown and the Government of Virginia, several thousand inhabitants, settled there under the faith of the said Charters, as well as many subsequent acts of Government and the Encouragement of Publick Laws. It would also have greatly injured the only regular Seminary of Learning in Virginia, by reducing one of the principal Branches of its Revenue, the profits arising from a grant of the Office of Surveyor General of Virginia, made by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary to the President and Professors of William and Mary College, and have introduced a precedent of a very alarming and dangerous nature to the Liberties, Rights and Privileges of His Majesty's subjects of this Colony. To this illegal and injurious attempt several Gentlemen in Virginia, the Ohio Company were made in some measure accessory, without their knowledge and very contrary to their Inclination but at their first General Meeting after having received notice of it ; they unanimously declared their Disapprobation of the measure, and their absolute Refusal of having any concern in it; which Regulation they not only entered in their own Books and communicated to the members of their Company in England; but for their Justification to posterity sent a copy thereof to the Governor and Council to be entered, if they thought fit, on their Journals. This project of Mr. Walpole's was fabricated by the same fertile . . . who first suggested it to the Earl of to apply to the Crown for a grant of the Islands in Delaware Bay; which probably would have taken effect, to the ruin of many reputable Families, if his Lordship, after a Day's debate before the Lords of the Council, had not had grace enough to be ashamed of it, and drop his pretensions. And tho' the scheme for a new Government on the Ohio, for the present seems to be rejected or suspended, yet considering how favourably it was entertained by some of the publick Boards in England, it may be proper for the General Assembly of Virginia, at this time to assert our Rights by a Dutiful Remonstrance and Petition to the Crown.
Which is humbly submitted to their Consideration.
N. B. -- The first charter for Carolina, the orders to the Commissioners for running a Dividing Line between North Carolina and Virginia, with their proceedings and report thereon, the Articles of the Peace of Utrecht and Aix la Chapelle, with the proceedings of the Commissioners of the two Nations, respecting the boundaries of the English and French Colonies, the Royal Instructions from time to time to the Governors of Virginia, the several orders of the Council relative to the Back Lands, the Judgment of the King and Council upon the Patent Fee in Governor Dinwiddie's time, and several other Publick Documents may throw much light upon this interesting subject.1
1 A draft of the above in George Mason's handwriting was preserved by Richard Henry Lee, and was formerly to be found at the University of Virginia, among the Lee Papers. A copy was made from it in 1842 for Genl. John Mason, from which this is transcribed. The original draft is now missing.
Source: Kate M. Rowland, 1 The Life of George Mason, 1725-1792, 393-414 (1892).